
Example Questions

Page history last edited by Kevin Gould 14 years, 2 months ago

We have begun to upload examples of clicker questions to this wiki - and will continue to do so over the coming months. Our questions encompass a broad range in level of cognative challenge, from simple memory tests to high-order evaluative and synthetic problems.  Those questions we consider to require higher order cognative processing have been 'starred' on the file list. 


We would like to encourage you to add your own questions, particularly those that you have found to be useful


Many of the questions has been tagged with useful information - to help you browse and search efficiently. If you are trying to find an example of a higher order question that promotes discussion, for example, simply type tag:"higher order", discussion in the search bar and a list that matches your criteria should pop up.


They have labels indicating - Which cognitive level they are on Bloom's Taxonomy

                                          - What the purpose of the question is,

                                          - The effectiveness of the question in a lecture theatre setting, and

                                          - Their subject area.





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