
How to upload images

Page history last edited by Kevin Gould 14 years, 2 months ago

Uploading images


Go to the "Pages and Files" tab (top left of your screen), and open the folder "Other Resources", and the sub-folder "Images for Example Questions


Click "Upload File"


Browse and select the image from your computer

     - smaller file sizes are best (e.g. under X KB). Most file types seem to be supported.


Click ok.


The image is now uploaded!


*If it an image for a different type of page put it into the relevant folder please


Inserting images into your question

Return to your question page


Click the edit button


Put the curser where you want the image to be and click Insert> Link


A bubble pops up, at the bottom of the bubble it says "Browse Pages and Files". Click this, do this and go back into the "Pictures for Example q=Questions" folder and select the image you uploaded.


Hint: If you right click on the image you are given the option to edit the image, and you can select whether you would like it to be aligned left or right.



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